Image Credits: Profile

The first impression you create, if not indelible, certainly a significant determinant in how others may feel towards you. How individuals connect and create that impression have been abridged through the conventions of various social media platforms, E.g, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram … etc.

The transparency of an individual’s online activities as discussed in my previous post can at times be forgotten and it coincides with the type of authentic digital professional profile one may seek to portray.


Online Recruitment has notably shaped the landscape of recruiting. A strategy adopted by most organizations as cost-efficient, and an accelerated process of recruiting. The extended reach of social media opens many doors seeking out the right candidates with relevant skills. Recent statistics provided amplify the continued dominance of recruitment through social and professional networks.

Image Credits: GRT16

To connect with potential employers, one can utilize various professional networking mediums such as BranchOut (A popular app for professional networking on Facebook) and the acclaimed LinkedIn.

Image Credits: Jobvite

Social networks act as a window to showcase one’s personal life. However,managing it poorly could have serious repercussions. An example would be the case of  Justine Sacco where her irresponsible online activity (Twitter Tweet) jeopardized her career. This is really one of many such cases.  It is of paramount importance in practicing a certain degree of self-control especially, controversial posts.

So then, how to go about creating a stellar digital profile besides exercising control on personal posts? 

Image Credits: intelligentHQ

Digital Reputation

Evaluating your personal reputation online. Sift away any unwanted information associated that could potentially tarnish your reputation and retain the positives. Also, removing obsolete accounts will definitely help tie down loose ends.


Using privacy settings to your advantage can certainly control unwanted views to maintain that professional profile. Different viewers should have different levels of access to your information. It should without a doubt not, be a free for all.


Managing your profile is essential to it staying current. E.g. For LinkedIn profiles which the majority use to connect with prospective employers. Out of date profiles, coupling with inactivity and missing sections are extremely inadmissible.  Creating a blog and posting regularly with positive and insightful contents. These are some suggested methods to steer clear of negativity if your name ever gets searched up.


Image Credits: Curation

Apart from reaping the rewards of a lucrative job offer, a well-presented professional profile should always showcase the curation of your own personal brand/image. So the question begs, why can’t we do ourselves some justice and create that stellar profile?

(423 Words)


GRT16. 2016. (Accessed on 9/11/2016)

Jobvite. 2013. (Accessed on 9/11/2016)

Jon Ronson. 2015. (Accessed on 9/11/2016)

Paula Newton. 2015. (Accessed on 9/11/2016)

Liz Ryan. 2016. (Accessed on 9/11/2016)

TheEmployable. 2014. (Accessed on 9/11/2016)


  1. Hello Nicol!
    I was interested in your point about ‘privacy’. I do agree that we have to be careful with our privacy settings so the that certain groups of people (bosses/colleagues) won’t see the ‘overly personal’ stuff that we post. But does this affect one’s authenticity?

    I would call this a grey area because it depends on the extent of what one’s hiding. This is where it led me to about the multiple online identities that we discussed in the previous topics. Keeping it real is the question one has to ask him/herself, it’s not like recruiters can actually verify whatever one says on social media.

    What do you think?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Nicol,

    I never knew about the Facebook application BranchOut! It’s nice to be exposed to more of such professional sites that can help me to build my professional profile.

    I agree that these sites help to build professionalism, yet, what are the possible ways to determine one’s authenticity through these social networks?

    The internet has given us the ability to custom-made our profile to who we want to attract. As people are coached to be cautious of what they post online due to the long-standing impact, the lines between authenticity and tailor-made profiles are getting blurred. Do you find it increasingly difficult to verify the authenticity of one’s professional profile?

    Adding on to what you said about social networks showcasing our personal life, these platforms also allow us to showcase our talents. Examples would be releasing value-added status that interests the audience; or sharing interesting articles and including some professional thoughts related to one’s profession. (Herbert, 2016 [ ])

    Liked by 1 person

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